Season 9 finally starts
Regarding Mods, Communication, and Priorities
The NSL has been hard at work last week to investigate and address the major issues at hand. This has been an incredibly big undertaking, as every issue at stake affects the NSL right down to its core. As we found, we are completely unable to operate without the assistance of our modders our community provides.
We have taken the time to meet with Mendasp (The owner and genius behind NS2+), Dragon (The god behind the NSL mod and the Comp Mod), and Rantology from the PDT (Paid Development Team). We have wrapped our heads around the issues each of them highlights, and we have come up with a response that we have taken (and will continue to take) to UWE.
There may be the misconception that we aim the blame and resentment at the PDT, or particular members of the PDT. We wish to dispel that notion. All of us understand that the PDT was given strict guidelines on the direction of development. This doesn’t change the fact that those guidelines were not in the best interest of the modders or a large portion of the existing community. Therein lies the problem.
Positive changes have taken place over the last few days. The PDT has heard the message loud and clear, and they’ve taken action on the first steps of remedying this crisis, and have begun laying the groundwork for a relationship with the community, the NSL, and the modders that can prevent this kind of problem from ever happening again.
Season 9 official start
After everything that happened, Season 9 will finally start.
Signups will close Saturday, March 19th at 10 AM CET and matches will be on the website that same day.
The season itself starts on Sunday, March 20th. You can still give input on seedings in the seeding thread(link to seedings is in there too).
We are still extremely busy with the seeding so please keep the constructive feedback coming!
17 March 2016, 08:39
You got that backwards, I'm the god.
17 March 2016, 09:47
17 March 2016, 13:21
17 March 2016, 16:08
17 March 2016, 16:09
17 March 2016, 23:10
17 March 2016, 23:23
17 March 2016, 23:29
18 March 2016, 12:20
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