The time has come - tomorrow at 1800 UTC the two finalists Saunamen and Legendary Snails will fight for being the currently best european team in Natural Selection 2 and also for the prize pool over $ 3,200 - spend half by the community and half by Unknown Worlds Entertainment!
This event will be streamed live on twitch.tv/naturalselection2 from insomnia49 main stage and is casted by Hugh (NS2HD) and blind
So that you don't have any excuse on missing this match, here is the global time table for the stream:

blind on
23 August 13 20:46
Allez les Snaiiiils !!!
24 August 2013, 08:01
y u no quote my thread, blind: http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/131573/nsl-european-open-final-live-at-i49-discussion
24 August 2013, 08:28
Maybe because you forgot Daamz :D
24 August 2013, 10:04
Gogo Escargots Légendaires
24 August 2013, 10:16
blind be slacking Fana
24 August 2013, 11:55
those orange trousers...
24 August 2013, 17:45
NS2: Technical Difficulties
Loved the initiative of reddog and wasabi to make a pre-show to the live event, even though some information about teams and stuff was lacking and no face was painted :[
Fana's UWE forum post had a nice background on the teams though, which maybe blind read, since he mentioned some of it before start.
If you take away the delays and kareoke co-introduction host, it was pretty entertaining to watch. Atleast the first round wasn't obvious :-)
Awesome job saving what could be saved, blind & hugh! GG Snails!
25 August 2013, 04:48
lol I was literally sent a message "Get your webcam on, we're going live for a pre-show in 30 seconds.." Tried our best! lol
25 August 2013, 19:25
GG to RedDog and Wasabi.
26 August 2013, 04:49
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