Nations Cup Signups Open!
We just opened the signups for the Nations Cup. It's time for each nation to field the strongest team they can in order to show the full capabilities of the nations. Each nation can have one team participating and all your players have to be from your nation, but the team can have unlimited amount of backup players.
The nations need to determine their team roster by themselves - we can't force that one. Best ways is to vote for your team leader (like some nations did here) or by putting up several teams and fight out who is your best.
We are still putting together the ruleset, but we have some dates for you! The first group play part of the cup will be held at the 25th-26th of May and the playoffs will be held at 1st-2nd of June. The format might be similar to the invitational, except the timeframe will be way different.
The signups close at the 20th of May, get your nations represented!
9 May 2013, 18:28
Team Poland needs their carry aA!
10 May 2013, 10:11
PLZ make it week later
10 May 2013, 12:50
aA you mad bro ? :D
10 May 2013, 13:52
"25th-26th of May"
Champions League Finals, ggkthx
10 May 2013, 18:31
Team Germany is there and they are the only ones playing that final crt. All I see is bad excuses for not signing up.
10 May 2013, 18:44
Ahh... the football. The most overrated and boring sport in history.
11 May 2013, 03:54
still the best sport there is...
11 May 2013, 04:11
i dont think team germany will play on 25th-26th they want to see bayern - dortmund :p
11 May 2013, 07:25
as you see, germany 8DOOM8 the football scene... and also NS =)
11 May 2013, 13:45
Sorry sap, Finland won everything. NS1 too.
13 May 2013, 03:40
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