Lots of Updates


I would like to announce news about quite a many things.

Season signups have been extended until 8th February. According to the new schedule, the first week will start on 9th Februrary

We are going to have a clan leader discussion about divsions and system (as we had in s10). The discussion will be held by inviting all members of Clan Leaders to a group chat. The discussion will be held this Sunday at 18CET.

If you are a leader in a participating clan but your clan doesn't have representation in the clan leaders group, please contact staff. This is quite important, since if you are not reachable via IRC, other clans can reach you via Steam community.

Some user flags on the webpage are not correct, you can correct this yourself but im looking for a way to automatically fix rest of them. This happened when I uploaded rest of world's country flags and tried to update the user countries according to login ip. Anyway, now there shouldn't be problem about missing country flags.

In other news, I'm making a new version of ENSL Plugin with a plenty of useful admin/referee commands and new icons! Check them out. Please post feedback and ideas here.

For the next season I'm planning to release a program called "E-Pack". Basically its a client-side tray program for ENSL players with all kinds of quick links. It will have many useful features. The program itself won't be mandatory, but as we are probably going to enforce snapshots heavily in the next season, ENSLZilla (which the package includes) will easen snapshot uploading. Please say your feedback here.

At last but not least, we still need predictors, referees and shoutcasters. If you are up to the job, please contact us!

Also I established a new email to contact ENSL: staff@ensl.org

Check out the news on moviefront too.

Also, thanks to Miglecz++, we now have a 'bit' different point of view of the Timmerman versus Flatline match of Season 11! Check it out if you don't belive it, it's better than watching the demo actually! Let us think of what you belive of this, maybe we'll do this to every finals!

Timmerman - Flatline.avi

ENSL Staff
jiriki on 03 February 09 17:39



Blank Talis | Quaxy


3 February 2009, 18:00


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

try to find out something new talis, we need robin also

3 February 2009, 20:33


Blank Elvisq | Team Four

batman is pr0

3 February 2009, 21:29


Blank atman

tray program = always runnning? no thanks..

3 February 2009, 22:22


Blank jiriki | old people

atman, don't worry, its not mandatory, jut an accessory

3 February 2009, 22:29


Blank frG | TROLLS

If you could compress that movie a bit more, you might even think about embedding it into a flv player.

4 February 2009, 00:41


Blank frG | TROLLS

nm, after actually looking at it, i think the screens are too small.

4 February 2009, 00:44


Blank Drc

The video is nice and a very good idea. But it just doesn't work for me, I can't really follow the game well, except if you just look at the map.
Seeing every players screen at the same time is a bit too much, to me at least. But we need things like this, new innovations, so thanks Miglecz!

4 February 2009, 08:47


Blank Mulk | Ant

moar miglecz videoz

4 February 2009, 10:04


Blank Dr_G | ">


4 February 2009, 12:40


Blank vartija | KelaKorvausKöyhille

You should consider using widescreen mode. You could put so much more stuff with that and many people have them. Also map should be smaller to make other screens larger.

4 February 2009, 15:11


Blank phil | Flatline-Ns

make that 1 or 2 key players each and the map .. that'll do it

4 February 2009, 17:10


Blank sublime



4 February 2009, 18:32


Blank Tweadle

I like the idea, i'm sure even more could be done with it.

5 February 2009, 00:24


Blank Bacillus

The avi really could use Comm demo added to it. At that point it would be double the interesting.

8 February 2009, 12:17


Blank jiriki | old people

Its very nice idea. However a lot of room for improvement:
- Better quality, x264 with good options
- Commander view instead of com looking at CC
- Remove all that HLTV crap
- Minimap smaller so screens are bigger
- Clear names in the player screens
- Shoutcast could be added for previous seasons

8 February 2009, 12:29


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

and how you gonna get the comm view? :)

8 February 2009, 13:22


Blank Miglecz++

i made this video for my clan mates to improve their skill, but community likes it so maybe i make others (this is my first try, so i am noobie at videos)
- what is that x264?
- "Minimap smaller so screens are bigger" exact numbers please
- where can i reach shoutcast audio?

do we have private messaging here?

8 February 2009, 17:48


Blank jiriki | old people


- x264 is a video codec. Fana can probably tell you more about the best optimization options or atleast give links
- Just resize the minimap to like 50-80% of current size and resize player windows bigger
- shoutcasts available:

9 February 2009, 00:48


Blank BerglunD | Snowrollers

would be fun to see a comm view to =P

9 February 2009, 06:38


Blank Fana | Archaea

For comm view you need a firstperson demo from the comm and even then it's pretty buggy.

9 February 2009, 11:52


Blank BerglunD | Snowrollers

Fana enlightened our lifes

9 February 2009, 14:31


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

its like we lived in the dark before

9 February 2009, 14:41


Blank Miglecz++

so HLTV for NS not supports:
- the commander view
- exact adrenaline for aliens
- parasites
- scent of fear
- motion tracking
- jetpack fuel
- exact life & armor
- ammo left in gun
- not shows build, weld circles, etc...
- resources for marines
- actual crosshairs for selected weapons
so sad, can't create more advanced videos without these
and mixing 12 playes sound would be chaotic :P so create more shoutcasts, omg last is for ensl 9, this is a free game doh...

9 February 2009, 18:42


Blank jiriki | old people

Well you can still do the stuff I listed, except for the commander view yes. I could although add a feature to the ENSL Plugin to start personal recording of commander views.

10 February 2009, 15:05


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

dont, it makes ppl lag

10 February 2009, 15:38


Blank Miglecz++

force demorecord is not democratic, make it optional somehow
Voodo always afraids of BIG BAD LAG, he has a 100Mhz cpu :P

11 February 2009, 12:01


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

fu, i have 33 mhz pentium!

11 February 2009, 15:03

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