Week 1 predictions

Voodo's Div2A predictions:
Allright everyone, this is THE very first week of this season, and we are looking at some interesting matches this week! First of all, the famous AllStar Spantard team is back! Yes, from DFX, DIE, and Armless, some oldschool players (yEnS, SnakeZ, etc.) joined together, and brought Mr. Hamilton with them also! (Wonder if they'll die as fast as those cars go.) Also we have Darth Chibi's team here, with some danstar backup to cut their oponent's hand off just because they think they are their father.
So we have 2 matches here, Quaxy verus LightS@berZ, and Prophets versus hamiltoned!
Quaxy - LightS@berz:
This should be an interesting match, as the finnish team will fight the saber guys. I saw both teams play pcws these days, but Quaxy's comm (Afasia) still has to learn. Quaxy has been playing together much longer than LightS@berZ, and i would say this will show up on their teamwork pretty well. On the other hand, LightS@berZ are a bit more active, so their skill level is more improved than Quaxy's. Still, I'd predict a 2-2.
Impact players:
Quaxy: Afasia, rapsu.
LightS@berZ: ChiBi, Multi.
Prophets - hamiltoned:
Now this will be fun, i mean if it gets played, since i havent really seen Prophets to be active, and the spanish guys are playing quite active these days, and they are getting better by the minute. Prophets should be prepared for strange tactics, since these guys know way to much about this game. If the spanish ping and reg will allow the frenchies to score, or just god wants them to play this match, i'd predict 3-1 to Prophets, since their skill level (even if they are not playing) is more superior than the hamilton's.
Impact players:
Prophets: Ez3kiel, gobot.
hamiltoned: MAAAAAAAAAAAD (pro flamer).
Macpersil's Div2B predictions:
^|TTS|^ vs {H|M}
Two Team Squad
First of all respect to Voodo that he is staying
with his hungarian mates and not leaving them
for a better clan. These people keep NS alive!
Further more his team developed very well,
it took a bit longer than in other teams but
what do you expect if you have an always changing
lineup with about 20 people.
Still Voodo is carrying his team very hard, although
his mates improved. Especially the marine rounds became
a lot of better! I don't see any danger for TTS losing
an alien round as long as they teamplay.
They are definitely able to get at least 3 rounds!
Hell's Militia
He, kinda difficult to write about H|M.
I really have no idea what lineup they will get
but sure is that they have some really good lifeforms.
I think if bl1tz will play they might even get a 2-2.
Anyway i think their team will be more like a surprise :).
Impact Players:
TTS: Voodo (Good alround) Black (good comm / ok Lerk)
H|M: bl1tz, hitokiri
vO* vs TeaMf |
Voltage has good single skilled players although they're all pubbers.
Oh sorry, they aren't just pubbers, they are used to play on
cracked NS Servers.
The team itself consists of Latvians and Belarussians, so the language
they use is russian. They aren't really experienced in competitive NS.
Still I think they have the chance to draw with TeamF. YkypbIw and Zmey
make this possible. YkypbIw as a decend fade aswell as marine and Zmey as
the panic man whose lerking is at a decend level.
2-2 is the maximum they could get but actually i think they will lose
4-0 :(.
Team Fantasy
A very experienced team, prolly they are going to win their group and
go for the finals. They dont even need practice, they know how the game
works. ZH will command them to win and the others will just aimbot the enemy.
The alien rounds won't be very difficult, just because the enemy is
too bad to win a marine round (exept sg rushes).
Impact Players:
VO* : YkypbIw (Good Fade, Good Marine - fat rambo!), Zmey (Good lerk)
TeaMf |: zH (Cummanda) , Go4lie (Russian speaking fin - that gives him uba power)
Div1 predictions coming tomorrow!
5 November 2008, 18:06
5 November 2008, 18:10
5 November 2008, 18:20
5 November 2008, 18:27
5 November 2008, 19:41
6 November 2008, 04:50
6 November 2008, 05:38
6 November 2008, 07:50
6 November 2008, 08:12
6 November 2008, 08:13
6 November 2008, 08:40
6 November 2008, 09:55
6 November 2008, 12:26
6 November 2008, 12:55
6 November 2008, 15:11
6 November 2008, 15:29
6 November 2008, 16:58
6 November 2008, 16:58
6 November 2008, 18:37
7 November 2008, 08:49
7 November 2008, 11:58
Quaxy will do 3 1 on the first game! We will play tts on the semifinals of div2 later this season :)
7 November 2008, 12:57
7 November 2008, 12:58
7 November 2008, 14:25
8 November 2008, 13:14
11 November 2008, 13:18
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