Nine Legends Wins the ENSL S10 Championship
As many of you know, a final was played yesterday between the topscorer Sproggalots and runner-up Nine Legends which ended 4-0 for nL (demos) who made a surprising comeback after a year.
Congratulations to them, icons have been handed over and off those pesky Flatliners who were probably quite disappointed not to be able to participate due recent inactivity. S10 is nearing its end, Div2 Finals have been postponed but for everyone else this season is over.
As everyone knows, summer isn't the most active NS time, and therefore we won't be organizing another ENSL Season until autumn. However to keep you guys still in the game, we will be organizing yet another Night Cup soonish. Stay tuned for updates. Also, those who don't like to combine NS and summer, please check back on 1st of August for news update on upcoming S11.
Especially big thanks to
- Clan Leaders who made the season possible
- Referees, especially Admirable reffing total of 13 games
- Predictors Admirable and Bacillus
ENSL Staff
As many of you know, a final was played yesterday between the topscorer Sproggalots and runner-up Nine Legends which ended 4-0 for nL (demos) who made a surprising comeback after a year.

Congratulations to them, icons have been handed over and off those pesky Flatliners who were probably quite disappointed not to be able to participate due recent inactivity. S10 is nearing its end, Div2 Finals have been postponed but for everyone else this season is over.
As everyone knows, summer isn't the most active NS time, and therefore we won't be organizing another ENSL Season until autumn. However to keep you guys still in the game, we will be organizing yet another Night Cup soonish. Stay tuned for updates. Also, those who don't like to combine NS and summer, please check back on 1st of August for news update on upcoming S11.
Especially big thanks to
- Clan Leaders who made the season possible
- Referees, especially Admirable reffing total of 13 games
- Predictors Admirable and Bacillus
ENSL Staff
Thanks to all the ENSL Staff and special thanks to jiriki for the super-dooper ENSL Plugin.
I should be able to knock out a finals match report before S11 ;)
Oetel #1 Baseguard! Woo ha!
23 June 2008, 10:12
23 June 2008, 10:42
23 June 2008, 10:46
23 June 2008, 11:25
23 June 2008, 11:39
23 June 2008, 11:46
23 June 2008, 12:15
23 June 2008, 12:16
23 June 2008, 12:40
23 June 2008, 13:16
23 June 2008, 13:16
23 June 2008, 14:12
23 June 2008, 14:30
*hugs Admirable* finally time to play some tf2 now!
23 June 2008, 15:04
And mu is like an aimbot since he isnt on a laptop :-O
Good game nL^
23 June 2008, 15:48
23 June 2008, 16:05
EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!!
23 June 2008, 20:20
23 June 2008, 21:02
23 June 2008, 21:07
23 June 2008, 23:38
24 June 2008, 05:55
24 June 2008, 07:48
24 June 2008, 08:45
24 June 2008, 11:24
liquorice and mint <3
24 June 2008, 11:48
24 June 2008, 12:21
24 June 2008, 15:18
Yeah gg wp peach and folks.
24 June 2008, 18:04
24 June 2008, 20:27
24 June 2008, 22:43
24 June 2008, 23:47
24 June 2008, 23:54
25 June 2008, 06:52
25 June 2008, 08:03
Downloading the demo.
25 June 2008, 08:58
25 June 2008, 08:59
Hows your woman Tane?
25 June 2008, 09:08
25 June 2008, 12:12
25 June 2008, 18:39
26 June 2008, 10:41
26 June 2008, 12:00
26 June 2008, 20:05
27 June 2008, 10:21
27 June 2008, 12:09
He may have presumed that GreeN was missing Tane's lack of humour and also missing Tane's skill.
But I think GreeN was suggesting that Tane lacks both humour and skill...
..and so concludes our lesson for today.
27 June 2008, 12:28
27 June 2008, 13:18
28 June 2008, 01:14
28 June 2008, 09:33
28 June 2008, 18:10
and the ref carried! lets face it...
28 June 2008, 18:53
28 June 2008, 19:42
28 June 2008, 21:30
28 June 2008, 22:26
(Look, I can also be anal)
29 June 2008, 13:19
29 June 2008, 16:14
29 June 2008, 20:37
29 June 2008, 21:04
29 June 2008, 21:50
29 June 2008, 21:59
30 June 2008, 14:48
30 June 2008, 17:05
1 July 2008, 13:48
1 July 2008, 16:15
1 July 2008, 16:16
1 July 2008, 17:43
2 July 2008, 11:18
2 July 2008, 11:52
2 July 2008, 14:11
2 July 2008, 16:16
2 July 2008, 16:46
2 July 2008, 22:38
3 July 2008, 11:56
Il actually be that gay that im gonna say that im sorry;P dident mean to make such a dumb post... I blame this fine weed xD Good summer all <3
3 July 2008, 13:21
4 July 2008, 09:19
4 July 2008, 09:54
4 July 2008, 20:58
I remember a conversation with someone about not wanting to postpone final because something may happen or better may not happen.
BUT Ow well "let's not take out the old cows from the canal" :p (Dutchies will understand)
5 July 2008, 10:51
But i seriously hope that match will be played...
Because this is the 2 time ive been in a "final" and it looks like the 2 time the match is not going the way it was planned to go.....
5 July 2008, 15:58
5 July 2008, 17:56
6 July 2008, 12:01
6 July 2008, 12:50
6 July 2008, 18:30
6 July 2008, 19:05
6 July 2008, 19:55
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