Week 1 Summary

Premiership Summary

In true predictor style, most of my predictions were off target. Blame the new guy! The "match of the week" turned out to be storm-bte. The tanith maps were awesome to watch- the map finished with honours even; although the caged map was a bit short lived: whilst having their early base munched, b1 an frG romped over to the sewer hive, and spawn-camped storm to victory; and their alien round was all-round dominance. b1 and Avex deserve special mention for good fading and shooting, respectively.

The other three matches were complete white-washes. Saunamen, Insane and [EoD] all took 4 points.

Player of the week: animz
Team of the week: Saunamen

(the above is based on actual performance comparative to expected performance, not necessarily the no. 1 guy/team!)

Now to embarass myself further by predicting the final standings:

1. storm
2. Insane
3. bte
4. Levitacus
5. Saunamen
6. rage.ns
7. EoD
8. el'pheer

Other News

- Starting with week 2, there will be a match report of one Premiership match on the main page, every week.
- Due to lack of time and the masses of mail-bombs I'm getting- one or two people might help out on the prediction side of things.
- In the event that you can't get hold of a HLTV IP for a match, remember that the Steam browser has a seperate tab for HLTV ("Spectate"). Every time I get highlighted on #ensl about IPs, I die a little inside.
- There's a good chance that some of the lower leagues will get predictions from now on, due to popular demand. Just don't expect us to be able to give the same detail as we do with the Premiership matches.
- Congrats to pantsu and maurice for their predictions so far. Althogh from what I've seen- no-one gave more than 2 correct Premiership predictions!

Week 2 predictions to come...

Oh, and to end things on a rather sour note- let's take a look at this rule:

"Both mercenary and bi-clanning are forbidden"

We will clamp down on this. No exceptions.
sherpa on 17 October 05 17:04



Blank aA


18 October 2005, 21:05

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