Flatline Takes the 9th Season Championship Belt!
Hello Thar,
It has to come to my knowledge that...
... Flatline won yesterday the runner-up Sproggalots in the 1st Division Finals (demos). Shoutcast will be uploaded later but also thanks to the shoutcasters Admirable, BigBanana, Sherpa and esJ.
Also, for the revolt and revolution, there's also a whin.. aftermath topic to post your feedback and grudge about the past season. Put your ideas and rants there, because eg. rules changes are mostly done between seasons.
So big thanks to everyone who participated and the clan leaders and their loyal clanmates who made this season possible.
But before you can take breath, we're opening the NS Night Cup Signups. You can register your team by creating a new topic here following these instructions. Please also check rules and the schedule before joining up.
EDIT: NSNC date corrected. The correct weekend is 29th-31st March.
ENSL Staff
It has to come to my knowledge that...

... Flatline won yesterday the runner-up Sproggalots in the 1st Division Finals (demos). Shoutcast will be uploaded later but also thanks to the shoutcasters Admirable, BigBanana, Sherpa and esJ.
Also, for the revolt and revolution, there's also a whin.. aftermath topic to post your feedback and grudge about the past season. Put your ideas and rants there, because eg. rules changes are mostly done between seasons.
So big thanks to everyone who participated and the clan leaders and their loyal clanmates who made this season possible.
But before you can take breath, we're opening the NS Night Cup Signups. You can register your team by creating a new topic here following these instructions. Please also check rules and the schedule before joining up.
EDIT: NSNC date corrected. The correct weekend is 29th-31st March.
ENSL Staff
16 March 2008, 21:29
16 March 2008, 21:30
New rule: 3rd map for finale is first week map nr1?
16 March 2008, 21:45
16 March 2008, 22:17
16 March 2008, 22:43
17 March 2008, 04:07
17 March 2008, 07:01
Score? Maps? Report?
17 March 2008, 09:07
17 March 2008, 10:57
17 March 2008, 11:28
17 March 2008, 11:40
17 March 2008, 12:53
veil, alientie, whine, metal, alientie, cosmic rage, origin, shotgun rush fl, end.
needed more drama
17 March 2008, 14:16
17 March 2008, 14:30
17 March 2008, 15:29
17 March 2008, 16:31
though i think that it would be the best for all of humanity if this was never spoken of again
17 March 2008, 16:51
Twas actually very fun
17 March 2008, 17:56
17 March 2008, 18:29
17 March 2008, 18:46
17 March 2008, 20:12
18 March 2008, 06:13
18 March 2008, 10:56
18 March 2008, 14:35
18 March 2008, 16:30
18 March 2008, 17:49
18 March 2008, 19:58
18 March 2008, 20:13
18 March 2008, 21:00
you see what I did there Tweadle... took an alternative angle :D
18 March 2008, 22:25
18 March 2008, 22:34
18 March 2008, 23:13
End of.
19 March 2008, 02:18
19 March 2008, 06:13
hehe yea he did he solod phils lerk sometime did he not? All I remember was scale screaming going "OMG OMG LERK LERK!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
but thats so normal anyway...
19 March 2008, 08:33
19 March 2008, 12:17
20 March 2008, 01:35
20 March 2008, 10:05
20 March 2008, 10:45
20 March 2008, 13:02
proof euros cant play marines >:3
23 March 2008, 03:01
Americans lose almost all their games in Euroland; Euros lose almost all their games in America.
23 March 2008, 08:24
23 March 2008, 08:47
Besides EURO aliens are better than US aliens!
23 March 2008, 15:48
23 March 2008, 15:55
23 March 2008, 18:02
Yeh it's not really that hard to be a good marine when the average US alien round just beats the teamplay of a public server LOULE
24 March 2008, 14:07
24 March 2008, 14:16
except dota. fuck that game.
26 March 2008, 04:46
26 March 2008, 07:54
26 March 2008, 10:54
26 March 2008, 16:46
28 March 2008, 16:38
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