Beginners Division Final Finished
News Update:
Just a reminder about the shoutcast.. Premier Finals will most likely be played default time (3/12 20.00 cet), so if your team/final wants to have a shoutcast, the best idea would be to talk with your opponent and arrange a different time. It´s abit hard for our shoutcast team to do them all at the same time :-)
The ENSL staff has decided that, aDreNaLine wins by forfeit in the Beginners Division, due to mpr-crew not being able to field a team. This is very unfortuneate and sad to see, but this is how it turned out.
There is still some matches and finals to look forward to like:
Premier League: Nine Legends vs Levitacus (finals)
2nd Division: Prevert vs Good Luck Fuck You (?)
and 3rd Divison: Team Fantasty vs Pitchfork (finals)
Thanks to all teams that participated, but big thanks to the teams that kept playing and didn´t fold for various reasons. Don´t worry about ENSL, I can say that there will be a season 6 with a 100% certainty. So keep watching and enjoying the game.
All matches must be played on 3rd december latest.
Just a reminder about the shoutcast.. Premier Finals will most likely be played default time (3/12 20.00 cet), so if your team/final wants to have a shoutcast, the best idea would be to talk with your opponent and arrange a different time. It´s abit hard for our shoutcast team to do them all at the same time :-)
The ENSL staff has decided that, aDreNaLine wins by forfeit in the Beginners Division, due to mpr-crew not being able to field a team. This is very unfortuneate and sad to see, but this is how it turned out.
There is still some matches and finals to look forward to like:
Premier League: Nine Legends vs Levitacus (finals)
2nd Division: Prevert vs Good Luck Fuck You (?)
and 3rd Divison: Team Fantasty vs Pitchfork (finals)
Thanks to all teams that participated, but big thanks to the teams that kept playing and didn´t fold for various reasons. Don´t worry about ENSL, I can say that there will be a season 6 with a 100% certainty. So keep watching and enjoying the game.
All matches must be played on 3rd december latest.
RAGE ()§/"()§"$"$"$
27 November 2006, 14:22
27 November 2006, 14:27
27 November 2006, 14:28
Asking to reschedule without giving a day''s notice isn''t cool.
I don''t know about anyone else but I''ve had to reschedule stuff IRL so I can play matches and it''s real annoying when the opposition doesn''t bother to give you plenty of warning in advance (*stares at levi*).
You took it to extremes by asking adrenaline on the server, 20 mins after you were scheduled to start, to reschedule.
adren can''t put a team out now and as you couldn''t play during the scheduled time you lose.
27 November 2006, 14:32
refree told us to reshedule, and a forfeit in final thats not how a final should look like .........
thx to crew...
27 November 2006, 14:32
levi waiting weeks
ke vs glfu taking ages
div3 messed
but on div4 they give forfeits...
27 November 2006, 14:32
with fkkn almost 6 points ahead ( if you dont count forfeit wins )
cmon inva bring it on, some problems?
any racism ? cmon bring it on ...
27 November 2006, 14:32
i told adrenanline at minute +-3 that we may reschedule it
27 November 2006, 14:34
- mpr makes it clear they dont have players before the game starts, but adren lets them get a merc
just so they can play. 1 player crashes and they are 5 and cant start.
- All division finals are dead-lined on the 3rd december.¨
- mpr is therefor entitled to reschedule to this date.
- They tried to play on set time (24/11) and made adren wait 1 hour+ on the server for 6th.
- adrenaline refuses to reschedule cause they are going on holidays with most players next week.
* mpr is nice and tries to play even though they cant field players and if they would wait instead for 3rd december they would have 6 and get forfeit win cause adren wouldnt have players.
* adren is nice and lets mpr get a higher skilled merc just to play, but mpr ends up losing 1 player to an internet disconnect. adren is playing on set time with 6 players.
So I have no idea who should have the win? No one of them can play again and basicly both are entitled to the win. Adren cause they showed up on the date set and mpr cause they can reschedule, but didnt since adren couldnt play so they tried to play anyway, but were unlucky with internet.
I want you to help me sort this out cause either way it fucks someone over for being nice and thats totally shit imo.
Its the fact that you are trying to play this match at the set date that you have agreed on, that leaves the forfeit win to adrenaline, even trying to play it with a too highskilled for this div (beefi, not approved by admins, but by adren after some whine).
I also told you that you can reschedule but that was something like 3 hours before the game not 3 minutes. Its sad, but cant be helped.
27 November 2006, 14:36
Because you were too late in asking for a reschedule, it''s totally within adren''s rights to deny you a reschedule.
Bummed? I can empathise. Look at nL- we''ve waited for a month so Levi can get Tane back. Because we''ve waited so long it means that wltrs probably won''t play.
We''re losing our best player so they can get theirs.
These things happen.
27 November 2006, 14:37
27 November 2006, 14:38
else those things keep getting more shit
they dont deserve this
god im raged, i think you can understand me
sorry for some hard words, but ... damn im just raged
27 November 2006, 14:40
27 November 2006, 14:40
27 November 2006, 14:42
it is just not ... fair to win a final
( division ) with forfeit wins
bah :/
27 November 2006, 14:43
27 November 2006, 14:44
27 November 2006, 14:46
you dont have any balls, adren do you? get some kind of sportsmanship
27 November 2006, 14:47
27 November 2006, 14:49
1 guy got broken leg
1 guy got inet problems ( thx german telecom )
then gummi lagged out ( thx to his useless router )
i call that bad luck or faith ...
but i dont think that i even could TRY to predict that happening before this day, could i?
27 November 2006, 14:49
27 November 2006, 14:56
27 November 2006, 14:58
27 November 2006, 15:10
He plays NS with his legs?! European NS player of the year right there.
27 November 2006, 15:13
27 November 2006, 15:18
ps: "I don''''t know about anyone else but I''''ve had to reschedule stuff IRL so I can play matches"
time for someone to start putting things in perspective it seems.
27 November 2006, 15:19
27 November 2006, 15:19
27 November 2006, 15:56
27 November 2006, 16:06
27 November 2006, 16:11
27 November 2006, 16:19
27 November 2006, 16:30
27 November 2006, 16:46
well it realy dossent matter... we all know whos best... and aint that really whats important.?
btw aDreN hf with ure 1st place..
good to see theres a reason why everyone hate spantards.. pffffffff
27 November 2006, 17:02
wtf not Ke??
27 November 2006, 17:10
27 November 2006, 17:12
Ha! I don''t know anyone who takes the internet more serious than you, tmk.
27 November 2006, 17:28
im kidding
(or am i)
27 November 2006, 17:41
U understand?
Thanks all admins for understand this, really, thanks.
27 November 2006, 17:58
27 November 2006, 18:38
27 November 2006, 18:48
I''m gonna hate england from now on
they make no sense at all
There is no egg in the eggplant
No ham in the hamburger
And neither pine nor apple in the pineapple.
English muffins were not invented in England
French fries were not invented in France.
27 November 2006, 19:02
i dont really care for winning and stuff, but the spantards were pretty much the worst team on the division with like no chance to win ...
btw. i think we would have played the final with 5, we just didnt because the ref told us that there will be no div. 4 winner if the match cant be rescheduled so we did and a few days later its forfeit for adre ...
but who cares? it isnt wort fucking around about that crap because everyone who cares pretty much knows that we would have won it ...
spantards suck -.-
27 November 2006, 19:08
27 November 2006, 19:09
27 November 2006, 19:13
27 November 2006, 19:14
27 November 2006, 19:21
28 November 2006, 05:15
This is the greatest amount of bullshit nationalistic crap I''ve seen on a messageboard since I accidantally read a discussion about the aztecs on some gamefaqs forum. You make me sad.
28 November 2006, 05:28
youre absolutely correct. i dont take anything with more seriousness than the internet. i monitor all ns-related activity on the internet with utmost vigilance and process all of it, because of this i often end up sitting in front of my computer for 30 solid hours before i pass out
ps. youre all a bunch of immature dicks, especially mpr. get a life and learn to play ns, preferably in that order so i dont have to put up with you whiny bullshit for a while.
28 November 2006, 06:36
Is the most sensible thing said in 50 comments. QFT.
So anyway- how about ''dem aztecs, eh?!
28 November 2006, 08:25
What do you think?
28 November 2006, 08:56
Funniest thing I''ve seen so far today.
"i heard the guy with the broken leg was in hospital, and no the doctors didnt allow him to bring his pc.."
Not quite as funny, you try too hard.
Lastly, directed with love to tmk:
Please stop pretending you''re Swirl, it''s getting tiresome. You''re not funny and you''re certainly not clever. You''re just another dime-a-dozen wannabe.
28 November 2006, 09:04
we are 1. in our division, without any lose.
and our teamplay was even strong enough to defeat some division 3 clans in pcws, so please tmk ...
of course we are whining just imagine being in our or my situation, it just came really UNLUCKY for us
dude watch what you say, beside you are not even in this division, whats your problem? just because i raged at the beginning? gg i think you would have done the same ... everyone would have done so
28 November 2006, 09:29
btw where do you get energy to argue, its stupid
28 November 2006, 09:33
28 November 2006, 10:16
28 November 2006, 10:32
28 November 2006, 10:33
28 November 2006, 11:29
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