Summer of 2023 No-Sanji Draft Annoucement

Hey everyone! I am pleased to announce the next tournament! This upcoming tournament will be a no-sanji draft on July 8th and 9th. That means there are going to be rules restricting those who can sign up. Please see the rules below for who is eligible to sign up:


Sign up rules:

1. Players who have been below 4100 Hiveskill for a full month prior to the start of the tournament.


2. Players who have not held sanji rank (4100avg skill) for more than 1 consecutive month in their ns2panel history.


3. Admins reserve the right to refuse signups in order to keep the tournament balanced.


4. Exceptions can be made in edge cases, please contact an admin in the ENSL discord. 


In addition to the standard tournament ruleset, found here, we will also be doing 3 new things:


We will be running the drafting phase on the weekend BEFORE the tournament starts. This will be done on Sunday, July 2nd at 4pm GMT. Captains, please check your availability for this time. If need be, and upon agreement of all captains, the drafting day can be changed.


There will be a player check-in 48hrs prior to the start of the tournament. This player check-in will last a total of 24hrs and close 24hrs before the scheduled start of the first round. This will be done through a discord channel in the official NSL discord with the channel being locked on the 24hr time limit.


Late Joiners: 

Late sign-ups will be added to a public list of mercs available to play in the tournament. This is to ensure visibility of who is available for filling in slots of players not checked-in. We encourage all of you who are available to play during these times to sign up for this if you are late to the draft.



Winners of the No-Sanji draft will receive 1 free month of VIP on DMD servers!


Date and time:

The tournament match days will start at the same time as usual: 4:00pm GMT, on July 8th and 9th. Please be on time!!!


With all that said, please use this link here to sign up and this link to see the current player pool!
Ammon on 23 June 23 08:26


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