Organizational Changes

Organizational Chart:

Big changes are coming to how we structure the administration of the NSL. I’d like to take this opportunity to explain how the system and roles will work.

Head Admin:

  1. Direct supervisor to the NA/EU Admins.
  2. Settles differences in perspective that may arise between the NA/EU Admins.
  3. Works closely with website management to improve the NSL experience for its users.

Website Management:

  1. Providers of the website.
  2. Supports implementation of requested improvements.

 NA/EU Admins:

  1. Direct supervisors of department admins  per the chart above.
  2. NA and EU admin share equal authority over all relevant departments.
  3. Settles disputes that arise between department admins and the community. If the NA/EU Admins are unable to agree on a resolution, the Head Admin will make a ruling. Moreover, if the NA/EU Admins agree on a resolution, the Head Admin will not be involved.
  4. Works closely with other admins to guide the direction of the NSL.
  5. If in agreement with each other, they have the authority to overturn admin decisions.

 Comp. Mod. Admin:

  1. Responsible for organizing and supervising a staff of contributors on the comp. mod. council.
  2. Responsible for working with the comp. mod. creator to execute the changes.
  3. Oversees the discussions regarding comp. mod. changes.
  4. Presents the ideas being discussed by the council to the community, and manages the subsequent feedback to be considered in council discussions.
  5. All changes proposed by the comp. mod council must be approved by the NA/EU Admin. If the NA/EU Admins are unable to agree on a resolution, the Head Admin will make a ruling. Similarly, if the NA/EU Admins agree on a resolution, the Head Admin will not be involved.

 Communications Admin:

  1. Responsible for organizing and supervising a staff of moderators for each NSL communication outlet.
  2. Responsible for structuring the channels/threads on the NSL communication outlets, such as the website forums, Discord, and TeamSpeak.
  3. Responsible for developing and enforcing a set of rules and guidelines pertaining to the communication outlets.

 Gather Admin:

  1. Responsible for organizing and supervising a staff of moderators for the Gather page.
  2. Responsible for developing and enforcing a set of rules and guidelines pertaining to Gathers.

 League Admin:

  1. Responsible for organizing and supervising a staff of NSL referees and casters.
  2. Responsible for organizing seasonal play and contests in their entirety.
  3. Responsible for developing and enforcing a set of rules and guidelines pertaining to League play.

 What the community can expect:

  1. Each admin will be held accountable to their responsibilities.
  2. Disputes are to be handled by the corresponding admins, and the decisions of those admins can be appealed to the NA/EU Admins. For example, the Gather Admin is expected to resolve disputes within the gather system. The resulting decision can be appealed to the NA/EU Admins. If the NA/EU Admins are in agreement, the dispute will be settled by them. If the NA/EU Admins disagree, the Head Admin will make a ruling.
  3. All final decisions can be considered endorsed by the Head Admin.


As Head Admin, it is a privilege to be in this role and I would like to thank the community for being so active and passionate about the game we love to play. I welcome all feedback and criticism and will answer any questions about the organizational structure.

Knox on 09 June 17 21:19



Blank Kmacg | LMAO gotcha


9 June 2017, 22:32


Blank Starcetereus | S11 Forfeit Champs

9 June 2017, 22:56


Blank Hobbeson

Looks pretty good. But why do the admins have final say on compmod changes? There's no guarantee that they'll be experts about competitive play.

9 June 2017, 23:25


Blank Knox | 5 piece combo

Hobbeson says
Looks pretty good. But why do the admins have final say on compmod changes? There's no guarantee that they'll be experts about competitive play.

I agree that they might not be experts relative to others and their opinions might differ. But I believe they can weigh the arguments and come to the right decision.

For it to reach the admins, there would already be a consensus to for it to go forward, so the admins can't implement random changes. And the admins giving the OK will already weigh the fact that there was a consensus on the change and that it reached them.

9 June 2017, 23:46


Blank Hobbeson

Knox says
Hobbeson says
Looks pretty good. But why do the admins have final say on compmod changes? There's no guarantee that they'll be experts about competitive play.

I agree that they might not be experts relative to others and their opinions might differ. But I believe they can weigh the arguments and come to the right decision.

For it to reach the admins, there would already be a consensus to for it to go forward, so the admins can't implement random changes. And the admins giving the OK will already weigh the fact that there was a consensus on the change and that it reached them.

You're telling me why this veto power is unlikely to have bad side effects, but I still don't see the need for it in the first place. Why are we giving admins veto power over compmod changes? (Isn't it enough that the admins will be choosing the people who decide on these changes?)

9 June 2017, 23:53


Blank Kmacg | LMAO gotcha

Hobbeson says

You're telling me why this veto power is unlikely to have bad side effects, but I still don't see the need for it in the first place. Why are we giving admins veto power over compmod changes? (Isn't it enough that the admins will be choosing the people who decide on these changes?)

I mean, ultimately somebody has to be in charge. If it's the comp mod, why not the comp league admins? I get what you're saying, but I'm not sure who else is a better fit.

10 June 2017, 00:13


Blank phone | Snoofed

admins shoudlnt have ANY say in what goes on in comp mod. deck should have merely been a middle man between comp mod council and steelcap. when he started getting involved in balancing changes is when comp mod started going down the drain. sure he has some of his own opinions on the game, but most of them are strange and unfounded.

it's also kinda fuckign weird that he implemented a bunch of random KASH changes: like shortneing the time for SGs to be picked up off the ground.


you know there's this thing called bile bomb that sorts that out for the alien team themselves


get ur fingers out of comp mod please for the love of god elect someone with a brain to run it

"All changes proposed by the comp. mod council must be approved by the NA/EU Admin. If the NA/EU Admins are unable to agree on a resolution, the Head Admin will make a ruling. Similarly, if the NA/EU Admins agree on a resolution, the Head Admin will not be involved."

delete this please comp mod and ensl should be separate entities not linked at the top

10 June 2017, 01:40


Blank phone | Snoofed

i made a pciture so u owuldnt have to read too much

10 June 2017, 01:59


Blank Knox | 5 piece combo

phonee says
"All changes proposed by the comp. mod council must be approved by the NA/EU Admin. If the NA/EU Admins are unable to agree on a resolution, the Head Admin will make a ruling. Similarly, if the NA/EU Admins agree on a resolution, the Head Admin will not be involved."

delete this please comp mod and ensl should be separate entities not linked at the top

To be considered further - but I initially disagree with the notion that the NSL should not have any control over comp. mod., which is a mod used purely for NSL games.

I agree that changes are ultimately linked at the top, but I would also like to point out that admins at the top have no method of implementing changes on their own.

10 June 2017, 02:01


Blank loMe | Alski Syndrome

time to reevaluate these bans on loMe and Bauer amiright?

10 June 2017, 11:03


Blank Mephilles | Ctrl+Alt+Defeat

atleast have the decency to actually announce that I have been kicked from the admin team. Give the community a reason to party :D

10 June 2017, 12:33


Blank loMe | Alski Syndrome

lol i informed u yesterday

10 June 2017, 12:54


Blank phone | Snoofed

loMe says
time to reevaluate these bans on loMe and Bauer amiright?

id agree, teams were punished for the map already. the player bans just seems vindictive at this point, we all already agreed everyone was at fault. why is the player ban still being enforced?

10 June 2017, 13:42


Blank Mephilles | Ctrl+Alt+Defeat

Well I don't need to argue anymore

10 June 2017, 14:22


Blank phone | Snoofed

i think the fact that your name is mssing from the flowchart is a good indication

then again kash's name was missing and he was still admin

@knox can you confirm that kashillies is no longer admin?

10 June 2017, 14:52


Blank BauerJankins | nazi hunter izO

I guess I owe you an apology knox. I thought you took advantage of the recent community outrage by promising change and, when you finally got to be head admin, not change anything. I was wrong though and it seems like the changes ahead of us are going to solve a lot of problems this league has had for a long time. Let's have a fresh start and hope for the best!

10 June 2017, 14:55


Blank asdfg | 3Port no Obs

what have you done with the real bauer

10 June 2017, 15:38


Blank lebra | REFORMED

can all positions abuse to both further their own agenda and when they personally don't agree?

10 June 2017, 18:04


Blank radionaut | Celerity Sex Tape

lebra says
can all positions abuse to both further their own agenda and when they personally don't agree?
anyone with power has the potential to abuse (hey, it's human nature), but with the current team in place i don't think that will be much of an issue. we will cross that bridge if/when we come to it.

11 June 2017, 04:56


Blank Rammler

The thing is we have no control or supervising authority in that system. So Things like with absurdon where he banned the entlre hbz for no reason can happen without a Council or something that can judge the admins. There should be group of 3 elected players that have directly control over the admins and where people can talk to when they think admins are doing wrong on them

11 June 2017, 06:46


Blank BauerJankins | nazi hunter izO

kash, mephikash and hommler

11 June 2017, 07:18


Blank Keats | African Money Bees

BauerJankins says
kash, mephikash and hommler

ok but who will the third person be?

11 June 2017, 08:32


Blank Hobbeson

Rammler says
The thing is we have no control or supervising authority in that system. So Things like with absurdon where he banned the entlre hbz for no reason can happen without a Council or something that can judge the admins. There should be group of 3 elected players that have directly control over the admins and where people can talk to when they think admins are doing wrong on them

The appointment and removal of admins is something that they haven't addressed yet, though I'm told that they plan to formalize this process in the future. It might help them if we made a forum post about this where we posted recommendations.

11 June 2017, 09:22


Blank Deck | Team Awesome

I think it's probably good if the comp mod admin is just bringing up ideas from the community. Is focused on getting people to talk to each other, but isn't a factor/doesn't have a vote in the decision by the council. Then it won't be one person pushing their agenda and seeing what get's through. I still think you need someone motivated to start discussions and request people to make decisions.

11 June 2017, 11:35


Blank Keats | African Money Bees

Ololoi says
Hmm, so sort of like a Board of Directors, which could be elected every two years by the community.

more like every two months, or maaaaaybe two seasons. let's be real, lately it hasn't taken very long for the admins to fuck up or leave.

11 June 2017, 23:14


Blank balaj | blank

Balaj for SEA Admin so I can ban myself plz

12 June 2017, 06:33


Blank openyafaceup | Sixth Sense


14 June 2017, 15:05


Blank ryssk | Ram Ranch

openyafaceup says


Looks like someone found their parents liquor cabinet! EleGiggle

15 June 2017, 09:55


Blank Sacrifice

long live the French
i postulate for french admin

15 June 2017, 11:10


Blank Rammler

a french admin would surrender every dam time the community starts rebellin

16 June 2017, 21:01


Blank Sacrifice

Yes i apply for this post in order to educate all this frenchies.

17 June 2017, 10:44

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