Guys, you can't just ignore a proposed time for 8 Days and then 'counter-propose' 10 min before the proposed time by tokyo drifters. Especially on a match that is running 1 week behind schedule of all other matches of the same week, which already happened to be 1 week behind the initial schedule. You have time 'til Wednesday 25th. Make it work.
12 November 2020, 19:59
20 November 2020, 20:07
20 November 2020, 20:54
21 November 2020, 09:52
21 November 2020, 10:21
22 November 2020, 07:59
You have time 'til Wednesday 25th. Make it work.
22 November 2020, 13:25
23 November 2020, 07:33
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