nephotep never liked to play in TTS.. its unfortunate since he could absolutely carry this team to mid div 1.
He's prolly getting stoned and playing some random games :P
Nephotep was kicked from TTS 5 years ago, cause our goals werent the same. TTS didnt want to play in division 1. The reason is simple. We dont have enough time to play NS. We mostly play only for fun. Nephotep never could carry this team cause his manner...
GibbZ | 9L
15 March 2009, 18:33
gg wp
15 March 2009, 18:39
KeePeR | Two Team Squad
15 March 2009, 18:45
Psy | Two Team Squad
15 March 2009, 18:58
GibbZ | 9L
15 March 2009, 19:51
ares | The Team
15 March 2009, 21:43
Arj | Ant
16 March 2009, 06:53
Blackevil | Two Team Squad
16 March 2009, 06:58
16 March 2009, 09:59
Voodo | Two Team Squad
16 March 2009, 15:00
kurze | Velvet Coat Squad
PS. where is nephotep?!
17 March 2009, 08:28
Peacham | Saunamen
17 March 2009, 17:03
17 March 2009, 21:45
Arj | Ant
He's prolly getting stoned and playing some random games :P
23 March 2009, 07:06
Blackevil | Two Team Squad
Summary: TTS plays NS for fun, not for results.
25 March 2009, 06:06
Nephotep | New Team
11 April 2009, 12:52
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