• Aleksi Blank
  • Apo Blank
  • dugi Blank
  • Nde Blank
  • Scale Blank
  • VODGA Blank
  • naduli Blank
  • Blank ares
  • Blank Dr_G
  • Blank sMile
  • Blank smokealot
  • Blank Snake
  • Blank Joe

S8: 1st Division

Friday 26 October 2007
17:00 EDT

Predictions (37)

Destination Unknown
Team Russia
ns_lost, ns_tanith

Match Report


Round 1: DU marine, TeamRu alien

TeamRu receives Alpha hive (slight disadvantage). DU begins to push towards TeamRu's res nodes and manages to get them down while Commander Oinonen chooses to go for fast Motion Tracking. Aliens begin to chew down marines' resource towers while Scale performs some camping in front of Alpha hive. TeamRu tries to fire up second hive @ Cargo but DU effectively shotguns it down after which TeamRu seeks to rush DU's base few times.
Nevertheless, DU acquires jetpacks and dominates russian fades and at last, the hive. 1-0 for DU.

Round 2: TeamRu marine, DU alien

DU spawns with Cargo hive and as in the round before, alien nodes go down. After this the game is back-and-forth fighting until DU begins to build up their second hive in Equ. Even with zh's valiant efforts at fading, the furious russians manage to siege the hive down and assassinate zh in the process. Aleksi and VODGA stand up to replace the alien team's loss and succeed in holding marines back. Later DU attempts to rebuild its 2nd hive at Alpha with success (thanks to Scale's onos) and wins the round. 2-0 for DU.


Round 1: DU marine, TeamRu alien

TeamRu gets Waste hive (shit luck again) while DU begins to capture res nodes in double and chem (where Scale performs some lolleractions alone yet again). Zh goes for fast MT again and commands his troops to push towards alien rt's. One node was taken down before total annihilation of the assault team Alpha. After this DU builds a phase gate in Chem while aliens press hard on marine res nodes. Second hive gets dropped in Fusion and DU tries to shotgun rush it down, in vain. The hive gets up and marines are getting pinned down. TeamRu proceeds then to build their third hive to Satellite and effectively prevents DU from rushing it with newly acquired onos (Macpersil). Hive goes up, base gets rushed, GG 2-1.

Round 2: TeamRu marine, DU alien

After both teams get beefed up with some hardcore gaming music begins the last round where DU decides to build DC's first with Fusion (OMFG) as their main hive. TeamRu proceeds to capture double res and tries to push towards DU-nodes, but angry finns tank them down. Second hive gets dropped in Satellite but russians ignore it completely, trying to get western resource nodes captured. TeamRu builds a PG in double res after which DU launches a baserush which gets repeled. 2nd hive gets up and DU begins to systematically push russians back to their base.

Even though the match was good gaming overall, it was quite difficult to choose MotM. In the end, Scale was chosen because of his performance as a marine.



Blank naduli | Exertus


26 October 2007, 18:56


Blank Aleksi | FINNSTACK

Your fortune: my aim

26 October 2007, 19:02


Blank dugi

my internet connection is homo

26 October 2007, 19:10


Blank Apo

we played like SHIT

26 October 2007, 19:48


Blank Scale

internet is for porn

26 October 2007, 19:50


Blank smokealot

lucky du!


26 October 2007, 20:29


Blank Apo

you are lucky for even getting one round :I

26 October 2007, 22:11


Blank Apo

and gg nevertheless

26 October 2007, 22:12


Blank Scale

Dr.Feelgood - She Does It Right

26 October 2007, 22:53


Blank Admirable | God Squad

Nice work on the report Nova :D

Sounds like a decent game.
I'll have to check ze demos!

27 October 2007, 01:48


Blank smokealot

if u do a reality check apo lost alien was just won for u cause we fucked up, watch demos and see us dominate

27 October 2007, 04:16


Blank smokealot


27 October 2007, 06:47


Blank Aleksi | FINNSTACK

you lost, didn't you?

27 October 2007, 07:57


Blank Nde | Saunamen

that match was our first pcw :D
wp .ru

27 October 2007, 09:02


Blank Apo

smoke you fucking up is not our luck, it's you being bad

27 October 2007, 11:56


Blank smokealot

you even had cargo lol!

27 October 2007, 18:12


Blank Arj | Ant

Nice report :)

29 October 2007, 08:27


Blank Dr_G | ">


30 October 2007, 11:25

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