S5: Premier League
Sunday 15 October 2006
17:00 EDT
Predictions (0)
Match Report
Levitacus vs frenchies
Lineup Levitacus ~: Tane, Talis, Scale, LeoN, Kylma, Kiviheikki, Invasion
Lineup [t]: Parche, Nirgal, Mike, Menes, glh, Frigg, tutu-
Score: 2-2
First Round – ns_lost – Levitacus alien – frenchies marine
Marine base was located at marine start and alien hive was at Cargo Bay. Inva dropped External rt and Talis tried to drop Temperature rt, but frenchies rushed there very fast and Talis needed to escape – so the rt-node was left unbuilt until Levitacus made an successful skulkrush there and killed the marines. After that Talis was able to drop the rt.
Frenchies were ambitious and wanted money, so they built a fast pg to the lessthanthree-pg-spot. With
help of the pg they managed to protect their Alpha side rt:s for short period of time. Inva was too sneaky for the frenchies and ate their rt:s.
Frenchies didn’t manage to do almost anything and Levitacus crushed them with Tane’s and Inva’s pro fading skills!
Second Round – ns_lost – Levitacus marine – frenchies alien
Levitacus had an excellent super tactic. 3 marines went for alpha rt:s. Talis and Inva built a very good base with their ultimate construction skills and went for the alien rt:s with a shotgun. Unluckily a ghostlike skulk came and killed them.
Frenchies got their fades up and Levitacus had nothing at that point – 1 armor up! Inva played like a superhero but it wasn’t enough, because tutu’s monster was too hungry. Ray was flapping around with his lerk and did nothing useful – tutu carried the French-team to victory.
Third Round – ns_origin – Levitacus alien – frenchies marine
This round was some serious shit! Frenchies tried to get some rt:s in the beginning and tried to build their weird spy-obs next to double over and over again – without success. Marines got some rt:s up and made a early pg to the Ore Extraction resnode preventing aliens to get to the Ventilation hive. They even started to build sieges until Inva came and ate them all as excepted. He didn’t get the pg down so tutu came trough it and owned everybody.
Aliens got their second hive up and marines built new sieges to the ore and started to siege. LeoN dropped Bio hive. Marines were trying hard to get Furnace down with their sieges until they sent couple ha:s to Ventilation and got a pg there too! They started to destroy both hives at the same time!! Third hive was ready but marines manage to get Furnace down and left aliens without mc:s. That’s bad!! Frenchies won with tutu’s overpowered skills.
Fourth Round – ns_origin – Levitacus marine – frenchies alien
Levitacus was too good for the frenchies in this round. Inva got rt:s up and Levitacus’ strike team got all their rt:s down! Frenchies managed to get one fade up (tutu), but Inva’s shotgun aim was godlike and tutu died (Inva > tutu). Levitacus got ha and rushed their growing bio hive and then their main hive Ventilation.
Good game both teams.
Man of the match: Inva
Runner-up: tutu-
by Invasion
gg levitacus, it was a rly hard match
15 October 2006, 18:45
15 October 2006, 18:46
15 October 2006, 18:47
15 October 2006, 18:47
very interesting rounds, too bad we didn't have any HLTV..
15 October 2006, 18:48
15 October 2006, 18:49
15 October 2006, 18:56
15 October 2006, 18:57
15 October 2006, 19:18
15 October 2006, 19:26
15 October 2006, 21:48
16 October 2006, 11:17
16 October 2006, 11:27
16 October 2006, 12:55
16 October 2006, 13:33
16 October 2006, 14:15
16 October 2006, 14:29
16 October 2006, 14:33
16 October 2006, 14:33
16 October 2006, 14:40
What a pro report!
16 October 2006, 14:57
btw we aren't all french for christ sake !
16 October 2006, 15:17
16 October 2006, 15:19
16 October 2006, 15:29
16 October 2006, 16:32
16 October 2006, 16:40
16 October 2006, 17:04
16 October 2006, 17:25
16 October 2006, 18:25
16 October 2006, 20:24
16 October 2006, 20:26
18 October 2006, 09:34
18 October 2006, 15:54
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