The ENSL 10th Season Signups Open


As teams have been prepping up and summer is getting closer, we are opening the signups for yet another ENSL Season. You can sign up your existing registered team as usual, by simply going to team menu and ticking the 'Next season candidate' -checkbox. Signups will be open 2 weeks and the first week will start straight after. It will be few days shorter than other weeks. Naturally we are also seeking predictors and referees. Contact staff if you want to participate.

Signup Deadline: 16th April 18CET

The system will be the traditional ENSL league system. Every team plays one game per week against every other team in one's division. After the league stage, the two teams with most points in each division play a division Final. This means a division with size of 6 teams lasts 6 weeks. Division sizes will be adjusted depending on the number of clans signed up but it will 1-2 divisions.

Preliminary maps for the next season are the following:

1st Week: ns_metal & ns_tanith
2nd Week: ns_tanith & ns_veil
3rd Week: ns_veil & ns_origin
4th Week: ns_origin & ns_orbital
5th Week: ns_orbital & ns_eclipse
6th Week: ns_eclipse & ns_metal
Finals: chosen by the teams from the list above

Here are the instructions for signin up just in case you need.

  1. Each team member should register an account for these sites.
  2. The leader should create the team and tick the checkbox called "Next season candidate".
  3. Each team member should then join the team in question.
  4. After this, the leader can accept the members in.

If you have any questions, just drop me a pm on IRC or use other methods. Please be happy to drop the Newplayer Guide to anyone new! Also there is a topic for any improvements or ideas.

ENSL Staff
jiriki on 03 April 08 00:55



Blank Admirable | God Squad


3 April 2008, 03:31


Blank M

Tiebreaker maps for finals pls ;)

3 April 2008, 08:41


Blank marmotte


3 April 2008, 13:16


Blank Cosmic | Saperion "Fan"-Club

krank sein aber um 5 Uhr was posten, jaja m!

3 April 2008, 16:04


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

no eon , lost , lucid? wth pls
What about playing random maps for each weeks, would be more exciting than metal, veil, tanith, veil, tanith metal -.-...

3 April 2008, 20:06


Blank Sharpi

from here on, admins need to have videocamera and d20 dice and list of maps on paper. Every time teams start to play official, admin just records his dicerolling and tells them what maps to play!

4 April 2008, 04:00


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

you could just announce the maps of each week at monday. Not ages before e.g.

4 April 2008, 18:38


Blank lump

that would be shit

4 April 2008, 19:56


Blank qin

10 seasons and still not ready for hamasaki .. :(

4 April 2008, 23:10


Blank Slayer

wtf is hamasaki?^^

5 April 2008, 02:08


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

the actual map system is shit tom , I dont think a new idea can be more shit ;-)

5 April 2008, 03:07


Blank lump

well maybe you should think more? ;P

5 April 2008, 03:11


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

am I admin...? :p

5 April 2008, 17:54


Blank lump


5 April 2008, 18:30


Blank Arj | Ant

Well.. the maps that dont work for clanplay might if we chance the team setup? :)
7v7 could work on eon, hamasaki, lucid etc? Ever tried this stupid idea? :P

7 April 2008, 12:31


Blank Admirable | God Squad

Why would we play 7v7 on a game that was designed and balanced around 6v6 play?

Hamasaki is a hive location on ns_ayumi aka ns_coldturn.
Lucid is a nice fast map like Eclipse, and plays well 6v6 apart from the totally imba junction siege.

As for ns_eon I don't fully understand why people hate it!

7 April 2008, 13:42


Blank Cobi

eon rules

7 April 2008, 17:43


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

it´s not the best map but it´s fine

7 April 2008, 20:04


Blank howdeh | minions

eon is too big imo, and all you need to do is turret farm the centre of the map and whore the res around it.

7 April 2008, 20:34


Blank phil | Flatline-Ns

bullshit .. eon is just fine .. just as lost & nancy are 8)

7 April 2008, 22:15


Blank GibbZ | 9L

lost and nancy are not fine. Eon is however.

7 April 2008, 22:21


Blank Fana | Archaea

lol turret farm

8 April 2008, 01:07


Blank jiriki | old people

howdy, fallen s10?

8 April 2008, 01:12


Blank Hammond | coolclan

bring in ayumi buh buh

8 April 2008, 02:38


Blank howdeh | minions

nope, fallen died.

8 April 2008, 11:50


Blank Slayer

what about ns_nothing xD?

8 April 2008, 17:16


Blank GibbZ | 9L

afaik ben was making a more "competetive" friendly ns_nothing which had no lifts and was tweaked a little.

I doubt it was finished and im guessing it was riddled with stuck bugs around every corner.

8 April 2008, 17:20


Blank Fana | Archaea

There was a playable version, that fixed several balance issues, but also killed much of the "spirit" of the map. They even played it in one of the CAL Season 10 preseason weeks, from what I can remember.

8 April 2008, 18:17


Blank lump

I remember testing that, dunno if it was anything to do with ben.. they'd removed the lifts and viaduct hive was just a tall room instead of a deep room, it shit though.

8 April 2008, 18:26


Blank Fana | Archaea

Ben made all the changes, so it has everything to do with him.

8 April 2008, 18:59


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

blame Ben !

8 April 2008, 22:19


Blank lump

I remember someone else asking me to test it, some yank dude.. Ben probably gave it him

9 April 2008, 01:45


Blank Admirable | God Squad

I heard is was not so good.
I saw pictures and read a write-up, I think on ben's site.

9 April 2008, 04:24


Blank lump

I'd have like to have played it tbh, could have got interesting; most people reject change because they are too scared

9 April 2008, 06:28


Blank GibbZ | 9L

hows that sex change coming lump?

9 April 2008, 06:29


Blank qin

For me nothing was just an oversized map with boring corridors. It had its moments tho, in bigger scale matches we had in that galactic NS tournament or whatever it was called. The one where people could choose to play only as aliens or marines during a season, and ofc there were only 2 teams. Very exciting :]

9 April 2008, 12:02


Blank lump

You know what sex is?? I'm suprised!

10 April 2008, 02:15


Blank Nde | Saunamen

If somebody here know what sex is, im suprised!

11 April 2008, 13:20


Blank qin

Sex is a process of combining and mixing genetic traits, often resulting in the specialization of organisms into male and female reproductive roles.


11 April 2008, 16:23


Blank Admirable | God Squad

i make all the girls organism.

11 April 2008, 17:03


Blank GibbZ | 9L

forehead penetration

11 April 2008, 17:52


Blank enigmatic | 9L

that would be... unpleasant and discusting

11 April 2008, 19:59


Blank naduli | Exertus


11 April 2008, 22:55


Blank howdeh | minions

organism \o/

11 April 2008, 23:38


Blank Arj | Ant

lol Ad

14 April 2008, 11:56


Blank sublime


16 April 2008, 18:28


Blank Johs

Admirable and Sublime are... ARJ IS WRONG WRONG WRONG.

17 April 2008, 22:13

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