24 May 2013 - 12:47 EEST
Dear beloved Admin Team,
i have noticed that apparantly you guys are not capable of even banning ppl in the correct way!
When you make a ban .. then decide if you want to ban that person from Contests, Gathers or FOrum!
I mean Zefram bans rakz FROM THE WEBSITE .. rakz is IN THE FUCKING GATHER ... and Zefram does not remove him .. HE CANT LEAVE WHEN HE IS BANNED FROM LOGON GOD DAMN IT !
SRSLY .. if you need a Course i am glad to piss jiriki off enough so he will teach you!
And i am sure you ALL dont even know that if you ban someone from comments he can still write a ban appeal in this forum .. because well .. give the ppl a chance to defend themselves!
So dont shy away from those either !
Oh and also: If someone has a second account and that is your actual Banreason .. BAN BOTH FUCKING ACCOUNTS .. i mean why would he care if one of hs accounts is banend? .. and usually ban the second account FOREVER(i know 6 years is max) .. and if he makes a account to circumvent the BAN .. REMOVE THAT GUY FOREVER !
Greets EisTee
i have noticed that apparantly you guys are not capable of even banning ppl in the correct way!
When you make a ban .. then decide if you want to ban that person from Contests, Gathers or FOrum!
I mean Zefram bans rakz FROM THE WEBSITE .. rakz is IN THE FUCKING GATHER ... and Zefram does not remove him .. HE CANT LEAVE WHEN HE IS BANNED FROM LOGON GOD DAMN IT !
SRSLY .. if you need a Course i am glad to piss jiriki off enough so he will teach you!
And i am sure you ALL dont even know that if you ban someone from comments he can still write a ban appeal in this forum .. because well .. give the ppl a chance to defend themselves!
So dont shy away from those either !
Oh and also: If someone has a second account and that is your actual Banreason .. BAN BOTH FUCKING ACCOUNTS .. i mean why would he care if one of hs accounts is banend? .. and usually ban the second account FOREVER(i know 6 years is max) .. and if he makes a account to circumvent the BAN .. REMOVE THAT GUY FOREVER !
Greets EisTee