How to Find a Team/Player

30 June 2013
7 January 2015 - 09:02 EST
This post explains, how you, as a player, can find a team or, as a team, fill up your roster.

First: How to find a team.

It all starts with your topic-header. Stick to the following format, so your topic can be found and understood easily:
[Player] [EU/NA] [Hours played] [Main-Lifeform] Your Name

For example, if you are located in the EU and are a fade player and your nick is “NS2-Freshman” you would create a topic, with title:

[Player] [EU] [129+ hours] [Fade] NS2-Freshman

So, what to put into the original post itself?

You should state:

* how to contact you, message on ensl, mail, steam, etc.
* more detail on your experience in ns2 (on different lifeforms, fps-games in general,...)
* if you can command or not the languages you speak
* more information about yourself. This is optional, but you want to fit into your future team, so it is nice to tell a bit about yourself and for what kind of team you are looking for.

If you are here to find players for your team, do the following instead:

Again it starts with the topic header. Stick to the following format, so your topic can be found and understood easily:
[Team] [EU/NA] [Looking for] Your Team’s Name

So for example, if your team is located in the EU and searches for just any player and your nick is “Fresh-NS2-Team” you would create a topic, with title:

[Clan] [EU] [Any] Fresh-NS2-Team

You might state the following infos about your team in the original post:

* What do you miss? Com? Lifeforms?
* Spoken Language in team
* Training times? (if any)
* Who to contact?
* More information about your team. This is optional, but you want to find a fitting player into your future team, so it is nice to tell a bit about yourself and for what kind of player you are looking for.

As a remark: The here presented format is very similar to the one presented in the main-recruitement-forum. So, if you want to continue competitive ns2-gaming and are looking for a team or players, you already know how to do it!
27 August 2014
11 January 2015 - 15:05 EST
Hey !

I'm looking for a team and before creating a new topic, I was wondering for the [Hour played] topic header, should I put the steam hours or the Hive (in-game skill factor, lvl, ...) hours ?
NS2 quotes :
"We need an exo ! With gatling and shit !"
"C'mon Onos ! Move your fat ass !"
"I need a medical bag"
"Dude ! Grab your balls and let's push maintenance !"
30 June 2013
11 January 2015 - 15:33 EST
Chocapix says
Hey !

I'm looking for a team and before creating a new topic, I was wondering for the [Hour played] topic header, should I put the steam hours or the Hive (in-game skill factor, lvl, ...) hours ?

Steam hours is enough for a rough estimate.

You can be more detailed in the post itself.
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