Oh Bubba..

Tanzania, United Republic of
17 December 2012
1 October 2014 - 23:26 EDT
First, a little bit back story on this (and for the record, I usually don't bother with this sort of thing but this guy, he deserves this). I joined YO's public server. When I joined aliens, I saw that we had a hive, 4 RT's and no eggs. Told the comm (him) to spam eggs and got the reply "I'm not spamming eggs for this team, they're constantly dying". He was using a different nickname. When he said that, I remembered the voice and asked, "Are you bubba?". Someone else said "yes, he was banned but he came back somehow".

Then I initiated a vote to kick him (because fuck that sort of mentality, if your team is losing all of the engagements just F4). It failed (and at the end of the day, I'm glad it failed because that was the most fun I've had on a public server). When we got back to lobby, he said "turtle, join a team, I'll join the other to fuck you up" (or something along that line). When I said "I haven't played the game lately. I've been flying CAS in ARMA for the past 6 months" he said "oh excuses excuses". I went "eugh" (this is the sound I make before start puking) and joined aliens. He went marines and they won the round under 4 minutes (because teams were stacked. It may sound biased, but you can ask DarkAlf. he was there till the end).

Let's go back a bit more. When I first met this guy, we were in a gather (this was long long ago, when he first found out about this game). He stepped to the marine chair and said "we're gonna go sentries". When I said "nope", he said trust me. We had a bit of argument but he was constantly saying "Trust me". In the end, I said aight, fuck it.. The round ended in 2-3 minutes. We lost both rounds under his command.

Back to YO's pub server.. 2nd round was a bit more balanced. There was a guy topping the leaderboard on their team and we had Alf. I was commanding aliens. They won the round again but since my team saw that I did my best nobody bitched about my commanding. I was constantly talking with my team. They deployed sentries to north tunnels early game. As soon as I saw it, I pushed bile. We had a gorge but instead of biling the arcs, he went for a RT at repair. Anyways, while playing that round, he went down to my whip (which you will see in a bit). Of course, I didn't miss the opportunity to ridicule him.

On the next map (refinery, we played it for one round then I voted for summit, which passed) he kept throwing insults at me and at one point, he said "I remember you. you were that pussy who left the gather when I went for sentries". I knew exactly what he was talking about and I told him that I didn't leave that gather, but like a broken record (remember those?) he kept saying the same thing over and over again.. This whole time by the way, he kept calling me pussy. Since he was mad aswell, typo's were happening on his end. It was really amusing and also amazing to watch a person taking a shit with his mouth (in case you can't imagine it in your head; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPHrVUUs9aU).

When the map switched to summit, I went aliens, he went marines. This time, Alf was commanding and our team was seriously coordinating. Even the rookies coordinated. In the meantime, he was constantly insulting me (again, calling me pussy the whole time) AS A COMMANDER. I told him to med his team instead of bitching but he kept calling me pussy. While we were taking down all of their RT's and picking the marines as a team, his team kept leaving the server (he bitched about that aswell, of course he did). When the round ended I thanked everybody for a lovely night but I especially thanked to him.

Before I left the server you know what he said? He said "go on you poor pussy".

At first, I was a bit stunned to be honest. I asked myself, what did he mean by that? Did he mean mentally poor or "poor" poor? I didn't bother to stay around to ask. Now though, in front of these people, I'm asking Bubba.

What did you mean by that? Are you honestly this dumb or classless (or both maybe)?

Anyways, why is this post in the video section? Remember the time you went down to a STATIC building Bubba? Or that time you went down to a GL as a Lerk? In case you forgot it already, here you go http://youtu.be/QnPzYPk4gj0

I know, I could've done this over steam. If I get banned from ENSL because of this post, it's okay. Honestly, I don't mind. Making the world aware of this guy is totally worth a ban.

edit: I should point out that I didn't land those GL shots to his face because I was skilled or anything. I'm not. It was total luck and any other day, I wouldn't be able to replicate the same results. In that moment though, it was really satisfying. Even though my team lost, I count that as a victory.
United States of America
15 November 2012
2 October 2014 - 01:16 EDT
no ban, but topic locked.

edit: funnily, the exact same thing happened to me with him a little after I locked this thread. challenged on a pub. ridiculous, guy. the results were about the same too.
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