Donations and Servericons

Gather Moderators
NS1 Gather Mod
123, Afghanistan
8 October 2005
22 March 2020 - 20:30 EET
We finally figured out why the server icons would not show up. It was a problem with the custom NS client. Luckily we got some competent guy here who fixed it for us. Thank you Bacsu!
I pushed it to the Launchers repository and you should get the update automatically.

Since there were several people donating in the past I want to give them an icon.
Here is what you get:

5$ - 9.99$: minimine (1 month)
10$ - 14.99: gorge (2 months)
15$ - 19.99: lerk (3 Months)
20$ and more: Free choice (standard superman) (4 Months)

Admins get a contrib icon

Icons are added and removed on the 23rd of each month.

In case you want to donate here is the link:

In case you have donated and you did not receive an icon, please pm me your paypal E-Mail, your real name and the date of payment.

Thank you for donating!

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